Wow I suck.
But we had a water fight today in gym, best day ever. First we had a water balloon fight, but since there was a lot of people and only so much water balloons, that ended pretty fast. So we played this other game for the rest of the period, called drip drip drop. Similar to duck duck goose, except its with water. The ducks get a little drip of water while the goose gets splashed with water. VERY FUN. Except for the fact that I, out of everyone, was most wet. >_> Back and front shirt, along with shorts. No one wanted to hug me after that :(
Exams are in 2 days, and I'm totally excited!.. NOT.
Since tomorrow is the last day before exams, I made cookies. Even though they turned out sorta suckish. I think i put in too much baking soda, gah
they look good at least :D
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