I THINK, I was going to write about how people eat with their eyes. MAYBE :/
Well, we do. Just think about it, you look at the food before you eat it, I mean unless you're blind or someone forced you to lol. I thought about this when I saw my aunt's cooking today. It was cauliflower with tomato and mushrooms. Okay, just think about this.
~~Cauliflower is suppose to be white. Tomatoes are red. Mushrooms are white or brown. In the stir fry she made, the cauliflower turned red. The red gushy tomato stuff made the stir fry semi stew-ish. The Mushrooms actually became a tinted red colour, and were probably too watery. (I don't like my mushrooms watery unless in a stew. sometimes soup~~
But yeah, dish looked totally horrible. It's probably cause I live in a country where people actually and stuff you know? Not to mention the fact that I learned a course all about food which included making food look good. Ehhhhhh.
So from now on, I will only eat bad looking food that I've tried before or if it was made by professionals. This makes me want to cook lol. :)
Okay now, remember the athletic banquet I wrote about a few days ago? Well I have two pictures of myself. and here they are.
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