But then, today again, I actually googled about gun piercings. I found articles like this one and this one. And again, I was like - OOHHHSHITTT.
If you read both articles, they both say things about how the gun uses a blunt stud that is forced into the tissue, which may leave scarring, pain, and other complications. (Pain, being the one I had to go through my first week of 2 ear piercings). Most of times, the piercing gun is not properly sterilized, a alcohol wipe isn't sterilization - so there a a chance that the gun can pass on hepatitis and other diseases.
The Body Modification Ezine (BME) says that "Ear piercing guns are inaccurate and not designed for piercing most body parts resulting in improper piercing placement." Not to mention the fact that guns were originally used to tag the ears of cows (YES. COWS.) - and is only intended for earlobes. "Even the people who MAKE AND SELL piercing guns say it's dangerous to pierce anywhere else." Yet a lot of places use guns to pierce cartilages and other body parts. This causes a lot of problems such as deformities and shattered cartilages. (thank god I only got piercings through my flesh >__> even though it isn't much better)
Now if you look at needle piercings, you'll see that there's almost no problems with it. Trained piercing professionals makes sure that the needle used for piercing is properly sterilized.
Now now, there's way too much information on how bad gun piercings are. I suggest you read the first article above, not soompi.
If there's one place I know that had about..hm...3487293871 different gun piercing places, it's Pmall. Pacific Mall, in Toronto, being the place I used to live in. It's probably the most azn place I'll ever be in, cheap stuff, horrible quality, and shitty UNPROFESSIONAL gun piercers. Now a friend-ish person I know, Jen G. She got her earlobes pierced at pmall with a gun. It actually got infected, and scared (her mom and her told and showed me this) These are two things that the article said would happen, and did happen. Since it was only her earlobes, it was a less risk than any other part of the body, and yet it still happened.
People are considered lucky if their skin tissue heals perfectly without any scarring, dieases and other deformalities. I always wondered why my ear piercings hurted the most out of my friends when we got our ears pierced. It's cause I was partially unlucky and my skin tissue must've ripped from the force or something. My third piercing - also done by a stupid gun - actually got infected a few months ago. It was HORRIBLE. My ear would not stop hurting, but healed after a few days with the help rubbing alcohol. Even though rubbing alcohol only removes some bacteria, I'm glad it helped.
Just compare the pictures. The left picturs are of my third piercing on my right ear when it got infected. the right pictures are of my left unpierced, not infected ear. ughh infection looks disgusting :x
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