My mom brought it home, and I was like wtf is this? 6 bucks, for this. Something worth like 2 bucks. Can't say I'm not surprised though. People these days just get lazier and lazier... and lazier, and lazier, AND LAZIER. At least you have to add you're own lettuce. It is so hard just to buy parmesan cheese, bacon, bread, dressing and lettuce? OR EVEN BETTER, already grated parmesan, bacon bits, premade croutons and already cut lettuce?
No, I guess not. They made this. Premade everything >.>
So mom was like, "lets make this!"
And I did. This was the final masterpiece >>
Not THAT bad. Shitty camera though.
Only thing about this is that theres SOOO MUCH additives.
This is unrefridgerated parmesan, bacon, and croutons. Dressing's never refridgerated in grocery stores anyways. But still, imagine how long its been on shelves.
And ughh, there were so many ingredients which half I couldn't pronouce (okay maybe I could, but most I didn't recongize).
Bleh, can't believe I ate this shit ):
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